The Sunriver Vacation Rental Blog
Cool cleaning tips and hacks for your home!Not Your Average Joe
A commonly asked question by new clients is; "Do we use our own products?" The answer is YES! We have spent years collecting a plethora of the perfect products we use in every home. We also are not the company to cut corners and use cheap, less effective cleaning...
What Are You Thankful For?
As I have gotten older and my Thanksgiving roll has shifted, I am finding myself more pumped for the holidays. As a kid Thanksgiving was definitely not my favorite holiday. My grandma, mom and aunt would be up before the sun, stuffing a bird and shoving it into the...
More Than A Clean House
Often we find ourselves in “auto pilot.” Wake up, go to work, get the kids to school, dinner, bath, bedtime and repeat. We forget to stop and count our many blessings. We wait until tragedy hits to briefly reflect on our own lives before switching the pilot...
Are You Ready For The Holidays?
Anyone else wondering how it's possible that November is here?! Whoa! Tis' the season folks. It is time to bring out the holiday cookbooks, set up holiday decor, bake and settle in for the crazy holiday chaos. For our vacation rental clients, most are fortunate enough...

Should I Feel Guilty About Hiring A House Cleaner!
So, often I hear from people who feel guilty about getting their house cleaned and hiring a house cleaner. Some people even feel bad and pre-clean before we clean! Lol we call these people the pre-cleaners. Thoughts and feelings about you aren't doing your job as a...

Do Magic Erasers Work?
Do you believe in magic? I do! Magic erasers are literally my new best friend! If I did not already know where they have been I would kiss them I love them that much. Why do I love them so you ask? Magic erasers can get things clean that you probably thought were not...
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