Do you believe in magic? I do! Magic erasers are literally my new best friend! If I did not already know where they have been I would kiss them I love them that much.

Why do I love them so you ask? Magic erasers can get things clean that you probably thought were not possible.
Crayons on walls- Oh yes! Food smears, jelly and crayons all come off in seconds.
Wine- who hasn’t spilled a little wine in their time? From counters to floor and even kitchen laminate wine comes off no problem.
Kitchens- grease from the stove or hood range is no match for the magic! Wipes grease easily. I use my favorite all purpose cleaner and a wet magic eraser. Spray your cleaner on and wipe away with the magic eraser. Then a little stainless steel or glass cleaner to shine and tah dah!
Bathrooms- ahh the ring around the tub it just doesn’t wipe off with an all pursose cleaner does it? Here is a trick for you: Spray on some oven cleaner and wait 3 minutes then get your magic eraser wet and watch all the soap scum just wipe off. Great for shower doors as well! Magic erasers can get some of those  hard water stains off your shower glass! The best thing to get a shower door to look brand new is to have a windwow cleaning company do your shower doors when they do your windows in the spring or fall. Did you know they not only can restore them to brand new but they also put a nice clear finish over it to keep it from getting more hard water stains for up to a year!
How to buy them affordably: That is the million dollar magic eraser question! I love them so much that I buy them bulk from I buy them at 450 boxes at a time but you can also get them in a smaller box and still save money off the retail price. I personally like the heavy duty extra strength one’s myself but for normal day to day house cleaning the regular ones are just fine.
Feel free to call or visit our website if you have more questions about cleaning!
Donna James “The queen of clean”
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